Right Click, select Properties and ensure that these are NOT marked as read only. ini files, highlight "Fallout4Prefs.ini" and "Fallout4.ini". How to enable modding Navigate to your Fallout 4 Folder at the following location "Documents/My Games/Fallout 4" Within this folder will be a number of. How to enable modding support for Fallout 4? 圎dit is an advanced graphical module viewer/editor and conflict detector. What kind of mod is fo4edit Fallout 4?Ībout this mod FO4Edit is the Fallout 4 version of 圎dit. In order to make your copy of Fallout 4 mod-friendly, you need to edit two configuration files, Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini. What do I need to make Fallout 4 mod friendly? Be very careful about removing core game files that the mod may have over-written.

Remove files you confirm to be used by the mod. Verify the files used by the mod you would like to remove by examining the original archive. We recommend using Nexus Mod Manager to make the installation and removal of mods safer and easier. Frequently Asked Questions How can I remove MODs from Fallout 4?